Watermelon for weight loss

girl eating watermelon to lose weight

There are probably no vegetables, fruits or berries in the world that people who are overweight would not try to use for the purpose of losing weight. Watermelon is no exception. Many sites say that it helps to lose weight, cleanses the body of toxins, provides it with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Is this true, or fiction? Let's consider this topic.

Properties of watermelon

Watermelon is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals that provide the body with immense benefits. Have you ever encountered such phrases while browsing the Internet? Probably yes. But in fact, watermelon is not a treasure. Pretty small puddle. There are few vitamins and minerals in it. To get at least some of them in daily doses, watermelon must be absorbed in kilograms.

Watermelon has a noticeable diuretic effect. Certainly lovers of this product know that you can enjoy a good watermelon only if you are not far from the toilet. Some sources claim that due to its diuretic effect, "watermelon kidneys" flush "and reduce the risk of urolithiasis. Forced to disappoint you - this is unlikely.

The buds are regularly "washed" without watermelon. It is unlikely that with its help you can actually reduce the risk of developing gout. But first, to be convinced of this from personal experience, you would need to eat watermelon every day for several years. Second, no one knows for sure whether watermelon prevents urolithiasis, as this information can only be obtained in the context of clinical trials, which no one has yet performed.

The benefits of watermelon for weight loss

Watermelon is a food. It has low nutritional value. It contains carbohydrates, although they are not many. Therefore, it would be foolish to say that watermelon contributes to weight loss. No, you can also get better from it, as from other foods. If you eat a watermelon in kilograms you will not see a thin picture.

Of course, watermelon does not burn fat. The more you eat it, the more round your stomach will be. But if you look at watermelon not as a way to lose weight, but as a diet, you can find some undeniable benefits.

  1. Low calorie content.Obviously, the fewer calories a food contains, the more attractive it is for obese people. Even a sweet watermelon contains less than 30 kcal per 100 g. This is less than most fruits or berries. The nutritional value of watermelon is lower than that of some vegetables. After eating a kilo of watermelon you will probably not feel hungry, but at the same time only 300 kcal will go into the body.
  2. High water content.Why is this good? First, the water gives a large amount of watermelon. When you eat it, you feel that there is something in your stomach. In this way he satisfies his hunger, even for a short time. Second, those who are trying to lose weight need to drink plenty of water but often forget about it. Lack of fluid in the body causes a decrease in the effectiveness of the diet. Along with watermelon, you get a sufficient amount of water.

Disadvantages of watermelon for weight loss

As mentioned earlier, watermelon has a very low energy value which gives us reason to call it diet. But keep in mind that most calories enter your body through carbohydrates. What's more, these are simple sugars that are easy to digest and are the biggest threat to your image.

Watermelon contains glucose, fructose, sucrose. All of these carbohydrates are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and stimulate the release of insulin, which converts glucose into fat. Watermelon has one of the highest blood sugar levels of all fruits and berries. This is his biggest flaw. And this is the only reason why watermelon should not be consumed in excessive amounts.

Among the disadvantages, we also notice the low content of insoluble dietary fiber. Watermelon can not satisfy hunger for long. It fills the stomach only for a short time, as it consists mostly of water, which quickly enters the intestines and then into the bloodstream. There is very little fiber in watermelon, which could create the required volume and keep fluid in the digestive tract.

Watermelon can be a quick snack to quench your appetite. The simple sugars in its composition enter the bloodstream almost immediately, interacting with vascular receptors and fainting hunger. But the feeling of satiety soon disappears, as the concentration of glucose in the blood quickly returns to normal.


With the help of watermelon you can lose weight, but only if you use it instead of other, more calorie-rich foods. You should not abuse watermelon, as it contains simple sugars and has a high blood sugar index. It has low nutritional value, but consuming watermelon in large quantities can give you a lot of calories. In addition, these calories will enter the body with simple carbohydrates - the most dangerous nutrients for the image.